The afternoon sun painted the Corpus Christi bayfront in hues of gold and orange as the sign installation team gathered at the foot of the towering building. Today, they were tasked with a delicate ballet high above the bustling streets: making some much needed repairs to the massive sign on the building’s facade.
The team, led by their seasoned foreman, was a tight-knit unit. Each member had a specific role, honed through years of experience. They took their time setting up all of the safety support systems to ensure that this repair would be issue free. Once everything was setup then we began the repelling from the side of the building. Even with all the precautions that we take this is always the moment that can take your breath away.
As the team worked, the city below seemed to shrink. The cars and pedestrians appeared as tiny specks moving across a vast canvas. The wind, which had been a gentle breeze at ground level, became a powerful force high above the city. It whipped around the sign, making it difficult to work.
Despite the challenges, the team persevered. They secured the sign repair and completed the installation. As they stood back to admire their work, a sense of accomplishment washed over them. They had conquered the highrise building and delivered a masterful repair to get the sign back to it’s bright and beautiful glory.